1.First we are going to collect new members.
We are giving away NFTs and other items/crypto when our Discord hits 3.000, 5.000
and 10.000 Members.

2.When we have enough Members the mint website goes live.
The price of a BitBud is 0.05 ETH.

3.After the mint we are making the Society's Base in the Metaverse.
This will be done on digital land.

4.The rest of the profits will be divided into 2 categories.
First category: designers, artists, and coders.
Second category: NFTs to 0 Co2 emissions, the money will be invested in green and
renewable energy sources.

5.The BitBudsSociety's Community Project.
The idea is creating a project together with the whole BitBudsSociety's
community. We will create a project together with you, every decision will be made
by the community and one of the greatest projects
will emerge.


